• Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 13

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 13

    This chapter discuss the purpose of the components required for successful communications; describe these uses of computer communications: wireless messaging services, wireless Internet access points, cybercafés, global positioning systems, collaboration, groupware, voice mail, and Web services;

     13 p tgu 24/02/2024 10 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 8

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 8

    The following will be discussed in this chapter: described how memory stores data, instructions, and information, and discussed the sequence of operations that occur when a computer executes an instruction. The chapter included a comparison of various microprocessors on the market today.

     16 p tgu 24/02/2024 8 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 9

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 9

    In this lecture we will focus: Fundamentals of computer graphics third edition by peter shirley and steve marschner, interactive computer graphics, a top-down approach with OpenGL (Sixth Edition) by Edward Angel.

     17 p tgu 24/02/2024 6 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 10

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 10

    This chapter explains various storage media and storage devices. Students discover how memory is different from storage. Floppy disks are introduced, and characteristics of a floppy disk, floppy disk drives, care of floppy disks, and high-capacity floppy disks are presented. Hard disks are explained, and students find out about characteristics of a hard disk, how a hard disk works, removable hard disks, hard disk controllers, RAID, and...

     13 p tgu 24/02/2024 5 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 11

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 11

    This chapter defines system software and discusses two types of system software: operating systems and utility programs. You learn what an operating system is and explore user interfaces, operating systems features, and operating system functions.

     21 p tgu 24/02/2024 5 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 12

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 12

    After you read this chapter you should be able to: Describe various types of network attacks, and identify ways to safeguard against these attacks, including firewalls and intrusion detection software; discuss techniques to prevent unauthorized computer access and use; identify safeguards against hardware theft and vandalism;...

     16 p tgu 24/02/2024 6 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 22

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 22

    This chapter include objectives overview: Identify the four categories of application software, describe characteristics of a user interface, identify the key features of widely used business programs, identify the key features of widely used graphics and multimedia programs,...

     8 p tgu 24/02/2024 5 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 20

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 20

    This chapter discuss the purpose of the components required for successful communications; describe these uses of computer communications: wireless messaging services, wireless Internet access points, cybercafés, global positioning systems, collaboration, groupware, voice mail, and Web services;

     16 p tgu 24/02/2024 6 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 26

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 26

    In this chapter, you learn what is input and output devices. The keyboard is presented and different keyboard types are described. You are introduced to various pointing devices, such as the mouse, trackball, touchpad, pointing stick, joystick, touchscreen, and pen input. Scanners and reading devices, including optical scanners, optical readers, magnetic ink character recognition readers, and data collection devices are explained,...

     12 p tgu 24/02/2024 6 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 23

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 23

    This chapter discuss the purpose of the components required for successful communications; describe these uses of computer communications: wireless messaging services, wireless Internet access points, cybercafés, global positioning systems, collaboration, groupware, voice mail, and Web services;

     16 p tgu 24/02/2024 6 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 27

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 27

    After you read this chapter you should be able to: Discuss the special information requirements of an enterprise-sized corporation; identify information systems and software used in the functional units of an enterprise; describe and list general purpose and integrated information systems used throughout an enterprise;...

     12 p tgu 24/02/2024 7 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 18

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 18

    This chapter discuss the purpose of the components required for successful communications; describe these uses of computer communications: wireless messaging services, wireless Internet access points, cybercafés, global positioning systems, collaboration, groupware, voice mail, and Web services;

     13 p tgu 24/02/2024 9 0

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